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Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

Mark 5:17 NIV

Jesus cast a legion of demons from a man and allowed them to enter a herd of swine. Immediately, the man was restored to right mind. The unclean spirits drove two thousand pigs down a steep incline into the sea. Herders watched in horror then ran and told it in town and the country. People rushed out to see for themselves. They viewed the miracle of one once demon possessed, wild and living in a graveyard now healed, clothed, sitting and talking with Jesus. Those who witnessed the spectacular recovery testified about the man’s transformation and the swine. Though they listened to the stories and marveled at the restoration, the people pleaded for Jesus to leave. In their minds, this man had caused the death of two thousand valuable animals. Get Him out of town before He did more damage. If only they’d understood. The people focused on financial resource instead of the Source. Jesus’ presence could have paved the way to additional blessings and healings, yet they missed it.

 May we be diligent from day-to-day to view and appreciate blessings, miracles, and the Lord’s love.

Lord, open our eyes and our heart to see You at work around us. May we trust and obey. Amen.

Sharon D. Simms

Sharon D. Simms thanks God for her journey of faith, family, and a small-town heritage. She resides in East Texas and thrives on being an agent of joy for Jesus. Sharon yearns for humanity to grasp the Lord’s incomparable care and presence on a personal level. Her calling is to inspire, and encourage women through God’s abundant promises, enduring love, and ever-presence. She is a prayer warrior and igniter who writes passionately to set your heart on fire for the Lord.

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